Calvijn College has seven locations across the province Zeeland (in the south of the Netherlands):
- Goes (3 locations)
- Krabbendijke (2 locations)
- Middelburg
- Tholen
The locations offer different forms of education to fit individual talents and needs.
School character
Typical Calvijn College is a warm commitment to each other based on a clear identity. This is reflected in a strong emphasis on fitting education and care for each other. The slogan below the logo summarizes it as: ‘Where we learn together’ (Waar we samen leren).
Three characteristics:
- clear in identity
- strong in quality
- care a priority

Mission and vision
Based on the Bible and the subsequent grounded Three Forms of Unity, the purpose of the school is: In dependence on the blessing of the Lord, providing education and training in which the Lord is honored, through which students may come to a life in the fear of the Lord and be equipped to function in accordance with the requirements of the Law of God in family, church and society.
The vision describes the ideal for the longer term. Calvijn College wants to be a school in which we learn together (in all kinds of contexts); provide challenging and meaningful Christian education; take into account the questions of our time; place the emphasis on the personal education and development of students, while students receive the needed support, all from a heartfelt attachment to the Word of God.
We work on this in a professional manner, together with parents, churches and other stakeholders. We know how to find the external support and expertise we need for this vision. Conversely, we share our knowledge ourselves and make a positive contribution to education and society.
Education forms
Calvijn College offers all levels of education: practical education, vmbo-bb/bk, vmbo-tl, havo and vwo (atheneum and gymnasium). Within each level, deepening is possible through additional challenges.
Pro: praktijkonderwijs
Pro is for students that need education with a practical focus, given in small groups.
Vmbo: voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs
There are three types of vmbo. Vmbo-tl+ is the most theoretical form, while vmbo-bb is strongly focused on vocational subjects. Vmbo-kb is the educational form in between, where the focus on vocational subjects is stronger than in vmbo-tl+, but not as strong as in vmbo-bb.
Havo: hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs
Havo is for students that are more independent. Havo students have a higher learling pace, which is why these students receive a larger amount of study material.
Vwo: voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs
Vwo is for students with greater capacity for abstraction and insight. There are two types of vwo, atheneum and gymnasium. Gymnasium is similar to atheneum except students study Latin and Greek. This form is aimed at classical and intellectual education.
For more information, please contact us at info@calvijncollege.nl.